Multiple hats

In June I will be appearing in the cast of Planet X by Victoria Stewart, directed by Mimi Katano — AND — assistant directing Leap with director Ashley Flannegan, all as part of Quickies Vol. 14 with LiveGirls! Theatre. After a very good time with LG in their recent Cupcake series, I’m tickled to be returning so soon, and getting a chance to work on both sides of the stage. If I were going to belabor my baked-goods theme, I would say I feel as though I’m getting to have my cake and eat it, too.

Quickies Volume 14
Presented by LiveGirls! Theatre
June 7-15, 2013 at Theatre Off Jackson
Stay tuned for the ticket link…

Also, my eighth-grade self wants you to know how exciting this other item is. It’s a little way off–more details later– but all anyone really needs to know is that yes, it’s in iambic pentameter, and yes, the cinnamon buns are happening.

Happy Friday!